Saturday, January 12, 2013

Understanding that God Loves You

One of the first steps of knowing God is to know His love for you. The essential, most basic expression of God's love for you is the fact that He created you! Psalms 139:14 says, "I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." God took the time to facet every little detail of who you are. Why would He spend so much time and care on someone He wouldn't love? Before you were born, He knew who you were; which brings me to another way of knowing that God loves you. God did more than create you; He knows you. If your spouse, or relationship partner really loves you, they will show it by getting to know you. They will find out what hurts you, so that they will know how to bring you happiness. They will show you that you can trust them with your deepest secrets, and they will help you to overcome your fears. When you come across a relationship like this, you cannot deny that there is love between the people involved. That's how God shows His love for us! He knows who we are, how we've been hurt, what makes us smile, and every weakness that we could possibly have. The fact that He knows us allows Him to comfort us when we are hurt, to bring us happiness out of even our sadness, and to make us strong when we are weak. He knows about the things you will face in life, and He promises to be there to get you through them and bring beauty from the ashes (Isaiah 61:3). These facts are enough to know that God loves you, but there is even greater love than these things. There is no greater love than when someone will give up their life for you. That's exactly what God did for us. He came to earth, and covered Himself in skin so that He could know what we face from experience. Then He gave His life for us, so that we could be free from the death that we deserved. For God so loved the world, that He gave His one and only Son; so that whosoever would believe in Him will not perish, but have everlasting life (John 3:16). You may be looking at this now, thinking, "These are just scriptures. How can they prove that God loves me?" God doesn't mind being called out, so call on Him and ask Him for His love. I know that He will show you that He loves you beyond a shadow of a doubt. 

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