Throughout my lifetime, God has shown me that, even through the bad, He was working for my good. Situations that seemed so horrible, turned out better than I could ever imagine. Right before I dedicated my life to God, I was heartbroken; I felt as if I was worthless. Since then, He has shown me how much I'm worth to Him. I mentioned I man from a Christian social network in my last post. Well this is not the last time you're going to hear about him. Beginning a relationship with God brought every other relationship in to place. The man that encouraged me to get back in church and serve God is still in my life. As a matter of fact, he's the man I will be marrying in the next few years or so :) God loved me so much that He took me from the wrong relationship to the right relationship with Him; and then He gave me a partner in Christ that reminds me of His love everyday! God is the juice that the human mechanism runs on. Without Him, we may be able to run for a little while, but eventually we will sputter to a stop; because we're not running on the right fuel. When we give our lives to God, we put the foundation in place to build everything else on top of. With your foundation in place, everything else will be built right and strong!
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